Card Meanings


Eight of Pentacles

  • Keyword : Growth

This Card's Message:

The skills you learn now will eventually be turned into profitable ends

The Eight of Pentacles indicates a time of growth and rapid improvement of your talents to a whole new level. Patience and effort will be required as you learn new skills. These are necessary endeavors on the path to self improvement and mastery, so work slowly and be patient with yourself as you stretch your boundaries and sense of identity. These new skills and qualifications will open you to new opportunities and move you closer to achieving your long term goals. The skills you invest in now will eventually be turned into profitable ends down the road. Self improvement is a journey that never ends, so embrace the steps along the way and have fun as you expand!

Learn how to read Tarot

Inspirational Tarot is your guide to learning Tarot in a way that is quick and easy to understand. With over twenty years of experience, this guidebook is a shortcut to connect you with the cards faster. The definitions have been written in a condensed format to help you memorize the cards quickly. The writing style is modern and up to date with today’s society so you will connect to the messages more deeply than some of the older interpretations you’ll find online. I hope you enjoy this modern guidebook as you learn this ancient artform!